
We Need Action, not Thoughts and Prayers

Mar 24, 2021 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Debra Schrishuhn for the PDA National Team

Pass the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021


The horrendous mass shootings at three Atlanta spas and the Kings Sooper grocery store in Boulder are just some of the latest in a litany of lives and places forever scarred by senseless gun violence: Las Vegas music festival, Orlando night club, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook Elementary School, Columbine High School, Charleston Emanuel AME Church, Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church, El Paso Walmart, Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, University of Texas , Fort Hood, San Bernadino Public Health training event, Aurora theater, Thousand Oaks Borderline Bar and Grill, Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue…the list goes on and on.

In thrall to the National Rifle Association with disregard for the urgent need for comprehensive sensible gun safety regulation, Republicans (and some Democrats) have stubbornly resisted even the mildest measures to rein in our out-of-control gun culture in the U.S.

On March 11, the House took a small step forward. It passed H.R.8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021, with 219 Democratic and 8 Republican votes. H.R.8 prohibits a firearm transfer between private parties unless a licensed gun dealer, manufacturer, or importer first takes possession of the firearm to conduct a background check, excepting certain firearm transfers or exchanges, such as a gift between spouses in good faith. Still, 202 Republicans and one Democrat voted against its passage.

Now H.R.8 goes to the Senate, and Majority Leader Schumer vows to bring it up for a vote. Getting 10 Republicans to support even this minor step will be a struggle. Please contact your Senators today and demand passage of H.R.8.

PDA works with allies to advance gun safety regulation. To continue and expand our efforts, we need your generous support.


1 Comment

  1. Ruth Strauss

    WAy past time–just awful–REpublicans are craven on so many counts I’ve LOST count
