We Need a Windfall Profits Tax on Big Oil—Join a Call Tonight to Learn How We Make it a Reality
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team
Sign Up for our Call Tonight at 8pm ET/5pm PT to Learn about PDA’s Campaign to Demand a Windfall Profits Tax on Big Oil
In the wake of the Ukraine crisis, energy prices are soaring—even beyond their high level over the two years of the COVID pandemic, during which oil companies banked record profits. This is the definition of price gouging.
Consequently, Representatives Ro Khanna and Peter DeFazio and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse have introduced legislation calling for a Windfall Profits Tax on Oil Companies, with the revenue raised going directly to the American people in the form of rebate checks.
PDA supports this legislation—and along with our partner Food & Water Watch, we are going to mobilize our climate liaison program to build support in Congress for its passage into law.
Join our call tonight at 8pm ET/5pm PT to learn more about the economic and environmental benefits of a Windfall Profits Tax and how you can help build support for this legislation.
Hope to see you!