
We continue to fight for voting rights. Here’s how.

Aug 12, 2021 | PDA News

In solidarity, Mike Fox for the PDA National Team

We Must Save Our Democracy!


We were proud to stand with the coalition that organized events all over the country — from St. Petersburg, FL to Anchorage, AK — this past Tuesday, as we demanded that the Senate pass the For the People Act and the John Lewis voting rights legislation and end the filibuster if that’s what is required. Now, the Senate may be taking a break, but we aren’t!  Our #DemocracyCantWait.

John Lewis had his skull cracked open for voting rights.  But he still moved forward.

We must likewise continue moving forward, one step at a time, until we reach our goal.

1) Back to the streets! Let us know if you’re up for participating in a street action in your community.

2) Contact your Senators now (calls are best) and tell them they must pass the sweeping voting rights legislation before them and end the filibuster if that’s what it takes.

3) Sign and share this petition calling on Senators to take action to support voting rights.

4) Spread the word on social media, calling on the Senate to pass voting rights protection now! Our #DemocracyCantWait.

5)  Let us know when you’ve acted.

We must save our democracy from the Trumpists in state houses across the country who are coming for our right to vote!

Thanks so much for anything you can do right now.

