We All Need To Stand Up For Justice
By Progressive Democrats of America
This month, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is organizing with a huge coalition for the People’s Platform—8 bills we’re urging all Democratic Representatives to cosponsor—during the Summer for Progress. One of the eight bills—the Justice is Not For Sale Act (H.R.3227)—was introduced by PDA’s own National Advisory Board member, progressive champion Rep. Raul Grijalva – (AZ-3).
This legislation would bar the federal government as well as state, and local jurisdictions from contracting with private corporations to run prisons. It would reinstate the federal parole system, and make several changes in immigration detention law. It would also make major strides towards reducing the mass detention of immigrants in the United States, including ending the detention of immigrant families and undoing the immigration detention bed quota mandated by Congress.
Join a Summer for Progress Local Lobbying Team!
We Need To Pressure Congress for Justice
We in PDA Arizona, and nation-wide, pay tribute to Phoenix Dreamer and activist Celso Salinas-Mireles who died this week in a terrible traffic accident. Celso was one of the founders of the Arizona DREAM Act Coalition. Back in 2010, he was part of an 11 day fast outside of Senator McCain’s office, encouraging him to vote for the DREAM ACT.
As a dedicated community organizer, Celso trained many activists on the use of social media and technology in the behind-the-scenes efforts for immigrant rights, and we feel his loss deeply. In memory of Celso Salinas-Mireles, and his bold stand for social justice, we ask you to join with us encouraging every Democratic member in the House of Representatives to co-sponsor the Justice is Not For Sale Act of 2017.
Join PDA in the Summer for Progress effort. We can’t do a thing without you!
Please click here to help organize an office visit at your Representative’s office.
If your Representative is a Republican, please click here to help with our phone team.
No time to volunteer? Click here to donate $20.18 / month or click here to donate another amount monthly to help PDA elect progressives to Congress in 2018. Your regular automatic donation helps us plan and budget most effectively. Click here to make a one-time donation. We gratefully accept any donation you can afford to make.
While we in Arizona were overwhelmed with joy that former Maricopa county Sheriff Joe Arpaiowas convicted and may go to prison, we want him to serve his time in a Federal prison—not a for profit private institution. It is morally wrong that we have private prisons all over America. Together, African-Americans and Latinos comprised 57 percent of all prisoners in 2014, even though African-Americans and Latinos make up only about one quarter of the U.S. population. In addition, private prisons are the corporate beneficiaries of immigrant detention.
Corporations should not be allowed to make a profit off of the suffering of black and brown people and by building more jails and keeping people behind bars. The Justice is Not For Sale Act would end private prisons—one of the driving forces of mass incarceration. All Democrats should support this legislation.
Join PDA and leading progressive organizations to support this bill and the 7 others in the Summer for Progress effort. Please click here to help organize an office visit at your Representative’s office. No time to volunteer? Click here to support the effort with an automatic monthly contribution, or click here to make a one-time donation. We need your support to continue working on this and other campaigns through the months ahead.
Thanks so much for everything you do.
In Solidarity,
Dan O’Neal, National Staffer / Arizona PDA Coordinator and Belen Sisa, Young PDA spokesperson and Dreamer
for Donna, Mike F., Amos, Mike H., Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Judy, Dr. Bill—your PDA National Team
P.S. Join a Summer for Progress Local Lobbying Team! Too busy to volunteer? Please make an automatic monthly donation, or pitch in $500, $50, or whatever you can to help support our mobilizing for a Progressive Congressional majority.