Watching The Debate Tonight?
photo: Homeless Man, photo by Enver Rahmanov • CC BY-SA 3.0 (cropped)
In solidarity for victory! Alan Minsky for Mike F., Donna, Deb, Dr. Bill, Dan, Janis, Bryan, Kimberly, and Mike H.—your PDA National Staff
Tonight, Bernie Will Stand at Center Stage at the
Final Debate Before the New Hampshire Primary
Donate Here and/or Volunteer Here
Tonight, the eighth Democratic primary debate of the campaign cycle will air 8-11 p.m. ET / 5-8 p.m. PT on ABC TV. There have been seven rounds of debates so far, and not a single question about poverty. This is unacceptable. Please sign and then share PDA’s petition calling for questions about poverty in the Presidential debates.
We Demand Debate Questions Addressing Poverty
About seven years ago, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) launched a new era in American political history when we “drafted” Bernie to run for President as a Democrat with our Run Bernie Run campaign.
Last year, PDA activists overwhelmingly voted to endorse Bernie again for the 2020 cycle. Last Monday, Bernie won the most votes and—pending review of the muddled situation—earned eleven delegates in Iowa.
Now, we have to step up like never before. A decisive win on Tuesday will make Bernie the clear front runner, and help to propel him into victories over the next few months in the most important primary cycle in memory for American Progressives.
The polls predict Bernie should do quite well, but as we saw in Iowa, “glitches” and “human error” make any lead precarious. We can’t afford to take anything for granted! Pitch in your time and/or money now!
Join Our We Want Bernie Campaign
Donate Here and/or Volunteer Here
Tweet With PDA During The Debate
Will Bernie Sanders—a candidate who stands for working people, for countering structural racism and wealth inequality, for doing what’s necessary to address the climate emergency, for creating a better world—prevail against the neoliberal / neoconservative corporatists? That’s up to all of us.
We at PDA believe it can happen and we’ll do everything in our power to make that possibility a reality. Can we count on you? Click Here to volunteer for Bernie. Support our efforts with an automatic recurring or one-time gift.
Not supporting Bernie for President? No worries, let Mike Fox know. He’ll get you active with our organizing for a Progressive Congressional Wave.
Bernie is surging to the front of the pack in the race for the Democratic nomination. Now, PDA is gearing up for victory like never before. Please pitch in now to help defray our travel, printing, and other expenses. Money tight? Then Click Here to volunteer with our We Want Bernie campaign.
Bernie has made a career of working to remedy the most serious threats to our society: economic and social injustice, structural racism, endless foreign wars—and more recently—the Climate Emergency.
On all of these critically important matters, we know where Bernie stands and has stood for decades. He “wrote the damn bill” and led the way on the solutions we need—Medicare For All, Green New Deal, Student Debt Cancellation, Free Public College, Ending Wars, and much more.
We need you now! Join Our We Want Bernie Campaign. Donate Here. Volunteer Here. TweetWith PDA During The Debate.
P.S.: Be A Part Of The Political Revolution! Get your We Want Bernie Gear here. Click Here to volunteer for Bernie. Support our efforts with an automatic recurring or one-time gift.
Bernie can’t do it alone. He needs a progressive Congress to enact his platform. Support PDA’s work to elect progressives by making automatic monthly gifts to our Win 2020 Victory Fund.