Watch The Town Hall To Combat Violence Sunday
CODEPINK’s Town Hall on Militarism Promo
In solidarity with peace, everywhere, Mike Fox
Join Code Pink On Free Speech TV
For A Town Hall On Violence
This from our allies at Code Pink
Tuesday gave us many reasons to celebrate – the first Muslim and Native American women elected to Congress; the youngest ever woman elected to Congress; the passing of Amendment 4 in Florida to restore voting rights to people previously convicted of a felony. But late Wednesday night, our celebrations were again overshadowed by the devastating reality of violence in our communities: the gunning down of 12 Americans at a bar in Thousand Oaks, CA by a Marine veteran. This makes 307 mass shooting in 2018 alone.
This Sunday at 8:00pm EST (5pm PT), on the 100 year anniversary of Armistice Day, we make the connections between the weapons on our streets and our militarized foreign policy. Join us as we host a Town Hall on Militarism with Free Speech TV and Manhattan Neighborhood Network. Visit our webpage to see all the ways to watch — DirectTV, Dish, Roku, Apple TV, Spectrum, Fios and streaming online — and join us afterwards for a for a live Twitter chat using the hashtag #DivestFromWar. It’s a great opportunity to gather with friends and allies and plan a local #DivestFromWar action. Contact for support planning your watch party.
In this Town Hall discussion, we also make the connection between the weapons industry and the money it doles out to influence our elected officials — both Democrats and Republicans. Democratic Representative Adam Smith, slated to become the next chairperson of the House Armed Services Committee, took a whopping $228,750 from the weapons industry between 2017 and 2018! Knowing he was next in line to become chair of this powerful committee, in the last weeks before the midterm elections, General Dynamics lobbyists rushed to give him an extra $10,000.
Rep. Smith says he wants to decrease our nuclear arsenal and increase scrutiny of Pentagon spending. Can we believe him when his bread is being buttered by an industry that thrives on violence and war? Join us in sending a message to Rep. Smith urging him to stop taking money from weapons companies. It is unethical to make life and death decisions on foreign policy while accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars from Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics and other merchants of death.
In solidarity with peace, everywhere,
Mike Fox