Violence Will Not Intimidate Us!
For Peace, Debra Schrishuhn and Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team
Give of your time for a more peaceful politics
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) demands an immediate end to the Trump-driven politics of hate. Trump’s hateful rants keep boiling over into increasingly bloody violence. Bombings, murder by motor vehicle, shootings, threats, and neo-nazi marches keep increasing. We don’t have to accept the deterioration of the USA into MAGA Madness. Please sign up now to make calls for more peaceful, respectful, constructive society and politics with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox.
Help Us Call For Much More Peaceful Politics
Trump’s rants emboldened the #MAGAbomber as one look at his van reveals—despite the denials from Trump, Vice President Pence, the NRA, and the rest of the GOP “blame the victims” crowd. After the rash of assassination attempts and the massacre at the Pittsburgh synagogue, shootings of innocents and increasingly incendiary rhetoric, who can credit Trumpublicans’ hypocritical finger-pointing?
President Trump and his Republican allies, having tried to stoke public fears of Central American migrants ahead of the midterm elections, are suddenly facing accusations that they helped foment a rising right-wing extremism that poses a far greater national security threat.
Over the past few days, the killings of two African Americans in a grocery store outside Louisville, a series of mail bombs targeting a dozen high-profile Democrats allegedly sent by a Trump supporter, and a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue have left the nation on edge. The common thread among them appears to be the targeting of specific groups based on race, religion or political persuasion.
Violence has no place in American life. When Trumpublicans routinely demonize dissenters, they prove they cannot govern. As the body count rises, and as they ramp up their reckless and dehumanizing rhetoric, we must confront Trumpublicans and vote them out of power. Will you stand with PDA to oppose the politics of violence? Help Us Call For Peaceful Politics
The Washington Post is far from alone in expressing alarm at the rising red tide of blood-drenched Republican extremism. The staunchly conservative Sioux City Journal called for the election of PDA-endorsed candidate J.D. Scholten (D) over incumbent Rep. Steve King (R) because of the latter’s embrace of extreme right-wing politics:
…We say nothing about [Rep. Steve] King today we haven’t said before. Time and again in this space, we have criticized him for what we view as inflammatory or questionable comments and expressed concern about the impact of those comments on our district. Each time King immerses himself in controversy, he holds up this district to ridicule and marginalizes himself within the legislative body he serves, neither of which provides benefit to Iowans who live and work here.
For example, King earlier this month put himself – and, by extension, the rest of the district – in an unflattering spotlight with a tweet in support of a candidate for mayor of Toronto described in published reports as a “white nationalist” or “white supremacist.” That wasn’t the first time King was tied, by his words or actions, to such intolerant ugliness….
As a congressman, we believe Scholten would choose his words carefully, create no national controversies, bring no embarrassment to the district, seek to unite and not divide, focus his time and energy almost exclusively on issues directly impacting the lives and livelihoods of constituents, and hold regular town halls with the public. He represents changes we believe speak to the best interests of this congressional district as a whole.
Similarly, Sen. Ted Cruz’s demagogic extremism forced several pro-Republican newspapers to endorse Beto O’Rourke for U.S. Senate from Texas. If conservative thought-leaders can stand up against right-wing hate, then so can we. It’s time for us to do all we can to repudiate reckless right-wing rhetoric before more innocents die. Please sign up now to make calls for a more peaceful, respectful, constructive politics with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox.
For Peace,
Debra Schrishuhn and Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team
P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox.
Share our call for the politics of peace and understanding.