
Victories against the filibuster in AZ: A model for the entire country!

May 25, 2021 | PDA News

In solidarity, Dan O’Neal for the PDA National Team

Arizona Democratic Party Passes
End the Filibuster Resolution.
  Contact Your Senators Now!


Something is really brewing in Arizona—progressive activists led by the Arizona Coalition to End the Filibuster, a large coalition of community and grassroots groups including PDA, are boldly stepping out on the national stage and sending a clear message about the need to End the Senate Filibuster.

On Saturday, May 22nd, the 900-member Arizona Democratic Party State Committee overwhelmingly supported a resolution calling on the ADP to take a stand against the filibuster and to send letters to both Arizona Senators urging them to do the same. The resolution in part states, “[T]he Arizona Democratic Party does hereby call upon Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema and Arizona Senator Mark Kelly to support the comprehensive passage of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda and the Arizona Democratic Party platform by publicly declaring their support for ending the Senate Filibuster and voting to eliminate it from the Senate rules.”

This hard-hitting resolution passed by 91 percent of the delegates was co-signed by a diverse group of over 80 State Committee delegates, many from the ADP Progressive Council and PDA. The resolution officially made ending the filibuster a part of the Arizona Democratic Party’s platform.

In addition, ADP State Committee delegates elected PDA member, Bernie activist, and CWA union leader Yolanda Bejarano to an open Vice Chair seat. Yolanda won on the first ballot with 52.5 percent in a four-person race: big shout-out to PDA and the Progressive Council phone team for making the calls and whipping the votes.

The victories above follow rallies attended by hundreds in Phoenix, Flagstaff, and Tucson last Thursday. All of this is a significant win for the Arizona Coalition to End the Filibuster movement here in Arizona. Let’s spread these victories across the country!

Currently, vital legislation—including the For The People Act, Equality Act, The Pro Act, and bills dealing with immigration reform, climate justice, and gun violence prevention—has passed the U.S. House of Representatives or has been proposed by the White House and is now stalled in the U.S. Senate because of a 60-vote threshold needed for passage.

Contact your Senators right now (calls best) and tell them to dump the filibuster.

Want to learn more about how your state party can make the same thing happen? Let us know and we’ll help!

Finally, please donate what you can to help us stop the filibuster in the Senate once and for all.

Thanks so much for anything you can do.


