
Vaccine Hesitancy and PDA’s Healthcare Emergency Town Hall Sunday: RSVP Now!

Aug 20, 2021 | PDA News

Dr. Bill Honigman for the PDA National Team

Join Our Healthcare Emergency Town Hall
Sunday, 4pm ET/1pm PT


COVID19Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) remains vigilant while the U.S. continues to fail as an advanced country in its response to the public health calamity of #COVID19, that has now become the “Delta pandemic of the unvaccinated.” With more reported COVID-19 deaths than even much more populated countries such as India or China, we continue to look critically at the commercial interests in the American healthcare system that don’t meet our public needs.

In particular now, we must ask ourselves how much of vaccine hesitancy and refusal in the U.S. is due to our having untrustworthy sources of medical information brought on by lack of access to trusted primary and preventive healthcare? How much less resistance to being vaccinated and following other reasonable public health measures exists in those countries where access is not rationed, as it is here, by commercial health insurance companies?

#SinglePayer expanded and improved #MedicareForAll can’t happen here a moment too soon!

Join us for the PDA Healthcare Emergency Town Hall every Sunday 4p ET / 1p PT. This Sunday, August 22, will feature guest speakers health systems analyst Henry Broeska, Ph.D., and laboratory scientist David Cohen, Ph.D., with updates on vaccines and other anti-COVID technologies, and special election run-off candidate for CA Assembly and Single Payer champion Janani Ramachandran (AD-18). Register here.

And thanks, as always, for volunteering and donating as you are able.


PS: See previous Town Halls archived on YouTube here.

