Unity For Victory
By Mike Hersh for Mike Fox, Donna, Dr. Bill, Kim, Janis, Deb, Dan, Bryan, and Judy—Your Progressive Democrats of America National Team
Join Progressive Democrats of America Working
For A Much More Progressive Democratic Party
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) was founded to unify activists and elected officials, party insiders and outside agitators to make progress on peace, climate, healthcare, democracy, and economic and social justice. That’s why we’ve worked to enact the Unity Reform Commission recommendations at Democratic Party meetings and events from coast to coast. We’re making it easy for you to join in the effort! Click here to add your name to the Unity for Victory petition. Then share it with all your contacts.
Help Make The Democratic Party More Democratic
Give now to help PDA build a much
more progressive Democratic Party
Read more about PDA leading the effort in Massachusetts
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton established the Unity Reform Commission after the 2016 Democratic Party Convention, and tasked it with making the party more accessible and democratic. The Commission issued a final report that will be voted on at the Chicago Democratic National Committee meeting in August. Please act now! Click here to add your name to the petition supporting unity and reform, and share it widely.
Last Saturday we made history as Russell and Martha Freedman organized an effort to get the Massachusetts Democratic Party to pass a resolution in support of the Unity Reform Commission’s recommendations. The PDA Mass state coordinator and the rest of the team gathered signatures to put the resolution on the agenda, and the State Democratic Convention voted aye.
As Russell explained, “All Democrats realize the importance of the coming elections. The Unity Commission recommendations make our party stronger, more inclusive and better able articulate our strong progressive platform.” Kudos to the whole PDA Mass team! Read more about PDA leading the effort in Massachusetts, then sign and share the petition.
This is not an isolated victory. This is movement building 101. Arizona PDA State Coordinator Dan O’Neal brought on board multiple party leadership signatures at the Arizona Democratic Convention weeks before, including the state party chair Felicia Rotellini and several DNC members.
Now let’s show solidarity with these organizing efforts by telling Congress members and other DNC officials that the time for transparency, inclusiveness, and an invigorated Democratic Party is now! Click here to sign the petition for unity and reform.
Taking back the Democratic Party from the corporations and lobbyists won’t be easy or cheap. We need resources to organize behind strong candidates. Pitch in $500, $50, or whatever you can right now.
On to bringing the party back to it’s progressive roots!
Mike Hersh for Mike Fox, Donna, Dr. Bill, Kim, Janis, Deb, Dan, Bryan, and Judy—Your Progressive Democrats of America National Team
P.S. We’re here to help you build unity for victory within a new or existing PDA chapter. Please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal. Please keep in mind we can’t do anything without your generous support