Turn Texas Progressive Blue! Mike Siegel is Going to Flip TX-10 with Your Support
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team
This Saturday Join Progressive Congressional Candidate Mike Siegel w/ Rep. Jamie Raskin, Robert Scheer, and Alan Minsky
Mike Siegel is on as important a mission as any in all of American politics – introducing the progressive agenda to what was previously Red State America.
Aptly, per Texas, it’s a two-step process: first you win; then you govern. At the end of the dance, people will see that progressive politics are their politics.
Mike Siegel is the perfect candidate for such an important task. Not only is he a true PDA progressive – unabashedly supporting Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, economic justice, the transformation of the criminal justice system, and a foreign policy that prioritizes human rights – Mike is also one of the hardest working and sincere public servants in the country (as Assistant City Attorney in Austin).
As such, Mike has a real shot of unseating conservative Republican Mike McCaul. Siegel ran in 2018 and lost by only fou percent. This year the race is neck-and-neck. The problem is that McCaul is awash in fossil fuel money and is poised to flood the airwaves with ad buys.
Please donate what you can to lift Mike Siegel’s campaign and help PDA makes calls into the district.
This Saturday PDA is co-hosting an event for Mike Siegel with Representative Jamie Raskin (a great friend of PDA himself!). It is free to PDA supporters – sign up here.
Because Saturday’s event is free to PDA supporters, please donate here to support Mike Siegel’s campaign and PDA’s work on behalf of that campaign.