Truth Week Is Here. Join Us For Racial Justice!
If not now, when?
Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F, Janis, Mike H, Donna, Dan, Dr Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team
September 14-18, 2020
Join the Movement Calling for Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation
If not now, when? After more than 400 years of slavery, segregation, and systemic racism—after centuries of denial, pseudo-science, and facile justification—after too many empty thoughts and prayers and crocodile tears—how long can we afford to let chronic devaluation of Black lives literally kill people?
During Truth Week, Progressive Democrats of America joins with the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Coalition to focus national attention on H.Con.Res.100, sponsored by Rep. Barbara Lee, calling for a US Commission on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation, and for H.R.40, sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, calling for a US Commission on reparations from slavery.
These bills begin to repair the damage four centuries of racism has done to our country, and create momentum to launch a National Truth Commission in the first 100 days of the next administration. Members of Congress will only step up to be counted if they receive encouragement and pressure from their constituents. We need to know where they stand BEFORE the November election, giving citizens even more reason to vote.
Monday—Retweet PDA Tweets or share PDA Facebook posts #truthweek #breathewithme @repbarbaralee
Tuesday—call to action: Sign PDA’s Action Alert urging members of Congress to cosponsor H.Con.Res.100.
Wednesday—2-4pm Eastern Twitterstorm. #TRHTWEEK Tweetstorm in conjunction with Rep. Barbara Lee’s office. Retweet or share PDA messages. #truthweek #breathewithme @repbarbaralee
Thursday—joint actions on H.Con.Res.100 and H.R.40. If your Representative is not listed as a cosponsor for H.Con.Res.100 and H.R.40, call 202-225-3121 to be connected with your Representative, and ask them, “If not now, when?” If they ARE co-sponsors, call them and say “Thank you!” After, email Mike Fox and tell how your call went.
Friday—webinar, 10:00-11:30am EST: Truth-telling and Transformation–Learning from Global Experiences on National Truth-telling and Healing Processes. Speakers: Dr. Fanie du Toit; Rev. Mpho Tutu; Marie Wilson, Former Commissioner; Eduardo Gonzalez, Independent Expert; Shelly Marc, Rep. Barbara Lee’s Deputy Chief of Staff; Dr. Paul Zeitz, #BreathWithMe Revolution. Register for webinar here.
For more details on these campaigns, contact
To support PDA’s efforts on racial justice, contribute generously here.