Trump Is A Clear And Present Danger
By Mike Hersh, PDA Communications Director for Donna, Mike F., Judy, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, and Amos—Your PDA National Team
No Parades! No Nukes! No War!
Tell Congress To Prevent Nuclear War
Earlier this week, Trump told the Pentagon he wants a North Korea style militaristic parade to go along with his North Korea style policies. His newly-issued nuclear weapons policy is dangerous, expensive, and needlessly provocative. Earlier, he called Democrats who disagree with him traitors.
He’s been ranting about building a wall to keep out immigrants, issuing bigoted executive orders, and on and on. Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has been working to counteract Trump’s recklessness across the board. Today, we’re asking you to help us decrease the chance of a nuclear war.
The risks of nuclear war—by misguided intention, by accident, or by frighteningly likely misunderstanding—are far too dire. If you agree, then please click here to tell your Senators and your Representative to cosponsor the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act. Sen. Ed Markey sponsored the Senate legislation, and Rep. Ted Lieu sponsored the House companion bill.
Click here to help prevent nuclear war!
Please donate generously to stop Trump
On January 9th, The Guardian reported:
The Trump administration plans to loosen constraints on the use of nuclear weapons and develop a new low-yield nuclear warhead for US Trident missiles, according to a former official who has seen the most recent draft of a policy review.
This is unacceptable. Tell your elected officials to support legislation to prohibit any president from unilaterally launching a first-use nuclear strike. The Guardian also reported:
Arms control advocates have voiced alarm at the new proposal to make smaller, more “usable” nuclear weapons, arguing it makes a nuclear war more likely, especially in view of what they see as Donald Trump’s volatility and readiness to brandish the US arsenal in showdowns with the nation’s adversaries.
This is beyond horrifying. Tell Congress to act now to avoid increasing the risk of a nuclear accident. Click here to help prevent nuclear war!
For Healthcare not Warfare,
Mike Hersh, PDA Communications Director for Donna, Mike F., Judy, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, and Amos—Your PDA National Team
P.S. We welcome any offer to pitch in. Please click here to tell your Representative and Senators to cosponsor the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act. Please sign up with our phone team to make important calls from your own home. No time to make calls? Then please donate generously to our Resist Trump Action Fund.