TONIGHT: Debriefing our big wins Tues. and next steps to more victories. RSVP now!
TONIGHT at 9pm ET/6pm PT: Debriefing the Big Wins in Virginia and Next Steps to Future Victories. Register NOW

Take great pride if you helped in any of these big wins! We had folks knocking doors locally, and making calls from CA, PA, FL, and states in between for a real nationwide effort. Many thanks to all who showed such stellar solidarity!
Now we need everyone across the country to join us for the debrief call tonight, as we celebrate the wins and look forward to the next wave of victories.
We’ll share in some joy together, and the PDA campaign strategy for July will be discussed and you’ll leave energized and organized for more wins!
PDA Organizing for Victory Call: On To More Wins!
Thursday, June 22
9pm ET; 8pm CT; 7pm MT; 6pm PT & AZ; 5pm AK; 3pm HI
Register here and the machine will email you your secure codes
Can’t make it tonight but want to help? Volunteer and/or donate.
Thanks so much for anything you can do.
We hope to see you!
In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team