TONIGHT: Campaign To Victory Call. Path to our next wins. RSVP now!
Join Us TONIGHT, 9pm ET/6pm PT for Next Steps to More Important Wins!
We have seven great Berniecrats running for VA State Senate. Early voting is going on right now.
Now we need everyone across the country to join us for this important organizing call.
PDA campaign strategy will be discussed and you’ll leave energized and organized for more wins!
PDA Organizing for June Victories Call
Thursday, June 1
9pm ET; 8pm CT; 7pm MT; 6pm PT & AZ; 5pm AK; 3pm HI
Register here and the machine will email you your secure login
Can’t make it today but want to help right now? Volunteerand/or donate.
Thanks so much for anything you can do.
We hope to see you!
In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team