
Today We Celebrate Labor and Organize for Medicare For All!

Sep 8, 2020

On to bringing the Democratic Party back to its progressive roots!

Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Donna, Dr. Bill, Kim, Janis, Deb, Dan, and Bryan—your Progressive Democrats of America National Team


Volunteer To Help PDA Elect
Medicare For All Progressives!

Too Busy to Volunteer? Pitch In to Support Phone Banks
and Other Work to Elect Medicare For All Progressives

Join Our Weekly Emergency Healthcare Town Hall
Sept. 13th, 4-5pm ET, 1-2pm PT—RSVP to Mike Fox

Since our founding in 2004, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) has organized in support of Labor rights and Expanded, Improved Medicare For All (MFA). Some might see that as a contradiction in that unions supposedly oppose MFA, but that’s not true. In fact, more and more unions are embracing MFA, largely due to our allies in the House of Labor including National Nurses United and the Labor Campaign for Single Payer.

Exit polls, opinion polls, and other indices agree: Nearly 90% of Democrats—including union members—want Medicare For All. Special interest oligarchs who profiteer from widespread misery and suffering oppose MFA—a national health program that will save 10,000s of lives and 100s of $billions every year.

PDA was founded to oust the oligarchs and take back the Democratic Party from the bosses, corporations, and lobbyists. That won’t be easy or cheap, but we understand that it is necessary.

Pitch In Now to Help Progressives
Take Back the Democratic Party

Tell Congress We Need Medicare For All

Donate to Our MFA Fund to Support
PDA’s Organizing for Medicare For All

Tell Your Senators to Cosponsor the
Health Care Emergency Guarantee Act

Tell Congress We Need Medicare For All

Help us celebrate Labor Day by uniting for MFA and other needed policies; to remake and reimagine the party as an advocate for We the People, not the greedy, entitled elite. If you agree, please pitch in whatever you can. To have the biggest impact, please sign up to make automatic monthly gifts.

Wherever people benefit from a rational outcome-based national health program, labor costs are lower—giving businesses a competitive advantage. Also, life-expectancy, healthcare outcomes, and standards of living are all higher than in comparable nations like the U.S. that lack universal single-payer type healthcare programs.

Critically important during the COVID-19 pandemic: nations with universal healthcare programs were much better prepared and therefore much better able to treat patients while protecting healthcare professionals and controlling the spread of the virus than the U.S.

PDA will never present a problem without also helping you to get active working for a solution. The best solution to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the 10,000s of our people needlessly dying from lack of healthcare is the same:

Yesterday, we invited labor leaders to discuss the campaign for Single-Payer / Medicare For All on our weekly virtual town hall. Click Here to watch it. Then, please Click Here to sign up for next week’s town hall, (RSVP with Mike Fox.)


P.S. We can’t do anything without you. Your support keeps us going! Click the Blue Button to make automatic gifts each month.


Please Pitch in Every Month to
Take Back the Democratic Party

