
TODAY: Town Hall. Beating Trumpists with Progressives, Vallejo and Josephson. RSVP now!

Oct 9, 2022 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Mike Fox for the PDA National Team


Join Today’s Progressive Town Hall, 4pm ET/1pm PT, on How We Beat Trumpists, Featuring Michelle Vallejo and Gary Josephson for Congress. RSVP Now!


We’re so excited about this week’s Sunday Town Hall because we’re going to show that we can win not only in the bastions of blue, but even in Texas and Ohio!

Michelle Vallejo is an inspirational young congressional candidate with a real solid chance of winning her district if we all pile on with her.

She’s a small business owner, community leader, and advocate for women’s economic empowerment. Michelle comes from a big family of farm workers, immigrants, and entrepreneurs. At the same time, she is a strong advocate for Expanded and Improved Medicare for All, women’s reproductive freedom, living wages for all, and all of our other progressive positions.

Gary Josephson has been a union rep and strike leader, and has been and activist for peace, social justice, and equality for over 50 years, and is as strong as Michelle on all of our other issues.

Join us today as we discuss this race and other ways we can bring home progressive wins across the country.

PDA Sunday Progressive Town Hall: Beating Trumpists with progressive candidates and issue positions, featuring Michelle Vallejo and Gary Josephson for Congress
Sunday, Oct. 9
4pm ET; 3pm CT; 2pm MT; 1pm PT; Noon AK; 10am HI
Register here and the machine will email you your secure link.

You’ll leave energized and organized.

We hope to see you later today!

P.S.: Can’t make town hall? Then please volunteer and/or donate to support our efforts now.

