
Today: Support A Day Without Immigrants

Feb 14, 2022 | PDA News

Dan O’Neal, for the PDA National Team


Support Immigration Reform


This year on Valentine’s Day, PDA stands with thousands in support of A Day Without Immigrants – Un Día Sin Inmigrantes


At the White House in Washington, D.C., and in dozens of state capitals and big cities across the country, immigrant rights activists will be calling on government leaders to keep their promises and pass immigration reform.

Activists are calling on people to not go to work, not send their children to school, and not buy anything as a way to show the need for urgent solutions to immigration in the country. These Valentine’s Day actions are focused on stopping the attacks on immigrants and pressuring lawmakers to act on passing long overdue legislation in support of Dreamers, farmworkers, and real reform toward a path to citizenship for the millions of undocumented workers living here.

We hope you can join in support: no work, no school, no shopping on Feb 14th.

Find and join an event near you. Can’t attend but want to be involved in immigration issues? Contact

En el día de San Valentín los inmigrantes vamos a hacer sentir nuestra ausencia!!!
EN TODO ESTADOS UNIDOS NO vamos a ir a trabajar. NO vamos a ir a la escuela. NO vamos a gastar. Vamos a salir a las calles pacíficamente para alzar nuestras voces y demostrar una vez mas nuestro valor y poder, ¡Para que el gobierno cumpla sus promesas y concrete La Reforma Migratoria para los 11 millones!


