
TODAY: New Year’s Day Progressive Town Hall: 2022 wins, and more for 2023. RSVP now.

Jan 1, 2023 | PDA Blog

Peace, health, and prosperity to you and yours in the new year,

Mike Fox for the PDA National Team


Happy New Year! Join us Today, 4pm ET/1pm PT, as we look back at 2022 and forward to 2023. Informed by History, We Move Onward!


Last year was a bit of a roller coaster ride, with disappointing defeats and inspirational victories.

We will focus on those wins, how they happened, how we battle back to turn the defeats around, and how we win for everyone in 2023.

We’ll highlight electoral and legislative campaigns that grow the progressive movement and serve the people, and we look forward to your input!

PDA Progressive Town Hall: Looking Forward to Wins in 2023
Sunday, January 1, 2023
4pm ET; 3pm CT; 2pm MT; 1pm PT; Noon AK; 11am HI

Register here and the machine will send you your secure codes.

We hope to see you!

