To Win, We Need Winning Issues and Candidates
Progressive Democrats of America National Team
Help Sustain Progressive Democrats of America
Be a Win 2018 Sustainer: Give $20.18 Per Month
We founded Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) thirteen years ago to change politics in America. We’re working for you on all the issues you care about, and now we need your help to add 100 new sustainers this week! We don’t require dues. We rely on small donations from people like you. If you’ve never donated before, or if you’ve given from time to time, now is the time to become a “Change Makes Change” sustainer by signing up to make automatic monthly contributions.
You’ll barely miss the $20.18 (or other amount) per month, but that regular donation will make a huge difference! If you’re already a sustainer, we deeply appreciate your help. If you can, please consider increasing your donation. Contact Mike Fox to arrange that. No spare change to help us make change? Then contact Mike Fox to join the phone team. Resistance is not enough. Now is not the time to complain or make excuses. We need everyone committed to the struggle!
We Need A Progressive Congress
We’re at a crossroads. Our politics have failed us as an uncouth, unqualified narcissist occupies our White House, and commands a legion of oligarchs in the Congress and Cabinet to roll back decades of hard-won progress. We need to make our stand! The 2018 midterm elections could make or break us on the climate emergency, healthcare as a human right, economic and social justice, ending corporate rule, guaranteeing fair elections and voting rights, ending wars and occupations, ensuring jobs and education for all, and so many other issues we’ve prioritized since our founding in 2004.
Together, you and PDA partnered with our allies in fierce opposition to the TrumpCare health cut legislation, and halted it in its tracks. This summer, we’re working with progressive organizers on the Summer for Progress People’s Platform effort to empower progressive Democrats to win on the issues so we can win at the ballot box. We can’t do a thing without your help! Click here to donate $20.18 / month or click here to donate another amount monthly to help PDA elect progressives to Congress.
PDA has been instrumental in finding and helping to elect strong and successful progressive candidates like Elizabeth Warren, John Conyers, Jr, Keith Ellison, Jim McGovern, Barbara Lee, Raul Grijalva, Rick Nolan, Mark Pocan, Tulsi Gabbard, Jamie Raskin, Pramila Jayapal, Ted Lieu, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Nanette Barragán, and others. If we’re going to reverse the right wing tide and make progress on critically important issues, we need to send even more committed progressive leaders to serve in the House and Senate. That’s why we’re working hard right now, recruiting strong progressives to run for Congress, and that’s why we need your help now!
Click here to to become a Win 2018 Sustainer by giving $20.18 / month or click here to donate another amount monthly to help PDA elect progressives to Congress in 2018. Your regular automatic donation helps us plan and budget most effectively. Click here to make a one-time donation. We gratefully accept any donation you can afford to make. Money tight? Please volunteer your time to help! Click here to make organizing phone calls. Click here to help launch or build a PDA chapter near you.
Time is of the essence. We need to take action starting now to elect a better Congress. Please contribute your time, your money—or hopefully both—to support our Win 2018 Congressional Elections Action Fund now!
In solidarity,
Mike Hersh, for Donna, Mike F, Judy, Dan, Janis, Deb, Amos, Dr. Bill, and Kim, your PDA National Team
P.S. Please sign up to make automatic donations of $20.18 or another amount per month right now. Not ready to sign up as a sustainer? Pitch in $500, $50, or whatever you can to help us elect a Progressive Congressional majority in 2018.