
Thursday: National Webinar on Handing Traditional Medicare to Wall Street

Sep 22, 2021 | PDA News

For a healthier America,
The PDA National Team

PNHP and National Single-Payer Co-Host Webinar;
Cosponsors Include PDA


From the Physicians for a National Health Plan (PNHP) website:

Ever since Medicare was enacted, corporate America has tried to either destroy the program or privatize it for their own gains. Learn about the latest scheme to wreck Traditional Medicare during our 9/23 webinar on Direct Contracting Entities.

Join the webinar to find out more about this threat.

What: Direct Contracting Entities (DCEs): Handing Traditional Medicare to Wall Street — What they are and how to stop them

When: Thursday, September 23, 9pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific, 5pm Alaska, 4pm Hawai’i

Register here.

Co-hosted by PNHP and National Single-Payer, and co-sponsored by Public Citizen, Social Security Works, All Unions Committee for Single Payer, UAW Region 1A Retirees, Kentucky State AFL-CIO, Kentucky Alliance for Retired Americans, Western PA Coalition for Single Payer Health Care, and Progressive Democrats of America.

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