
THURSDAY: Campaign Call on bringing home the victory for Ilhan Omar on Tuesday, and using Harris momentum to our benefit.

Aug 7, 2024 | PDA News

Join us Thursday, August 8, 9pm ET/6pm PT for How We Bring Home More Progressive Wins. RSVP now!


ilhan_250.jpgThere’s understandably a lot of air being sucked out of the room by the presidential race right now.

But we’re going to use that substantial energy to our advantage as we make sure we’re bringing in a win for Squad Member Ilhan Omar on Tuesday.

Ilhan’s been a consistent and powerful progressive voice in Congress, so we must make sure we secure her seat on Tuesday.

The good news: she definitely has  a path to victory that we’ll be discussing on the call.

Join us as we discuss wins on the horizon, if we all pull together and help make them happen!

PDA Campaign To Victory Team Call: Progressive Wins In Vital Congressional Primaries
Thursday, August 8
9pm ET/8pm CT/7pm MT/6pm PT and AZ
Register here and the machine will email you your secure codes.

You’ll leave energized and organized.

Invite your progressive friends!

Looking forward to seeing you.

In solidarity,

Mike Fox for the PDA National Team



