This Sunday: Progressive Perspectives on Immigration & TikTok
Join us this Sunday at 4pm ET/1pm PT for a discussion on what promises to be two of the most contentious, and therefore election-deciding, issues of 2024: immigration and social media regulation. RSVP Now!
We, at PDA, are unwavering in our support for the human rights of all people. As such, we stand in solidarity with the immigrants who flee desperate situations seeking a better life in the United States. However, PDA is not yet strong enough to sway national public opinion in this regard; and, at present, the issue of immigration is threatening to damage the coalition that is the contemporary Democratic Party.
We will launch what promises to be a multi-episode discussion, across many months, on the issue of immigration. How best can the progressive movement make a positive and powerful intervention in national politics on the issue of immigration?
Then, we will turn our attention to the issue of social media regulation: more specifically, to the absurd spectacle playing out in Congress, as it moves to outlaw the most popular platform with America’s youth, TilkTok. We’ll be joined by one ofthe Steering Committee members of Young Progressive Democrats of America to discuss.
Last, we’ll let everyone know about the re-launching of PDA’s Congressional Liaison program this upcoming week, when we’ll be asking members of Congress to support Pramila Jayapal’s Housing is a Human Right bill.
RSVP Now for this week’s Town Hall.
We hope to see you Sunday.
In solidarity,
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team
For family time: a show on Uncommited