This Sunday: How Progressives can win the 2024 Election. RSVP now!
Join Prof. Harvey J Kaye and the leadership team of Young Progressive Democrats of America (YPDA) this Sunday at 4pm ET/1pm PT for a discussion on how Progressives can impact the 2024 election by presenting their positive vision for America. RSVP Now!
In 2016 and 2020, progressive politics captured the imagination of the American people thanks to Bernie Sanders successive presidential campaigns, which were sparked by PDA drafting Bernie to run as a Democrat.
Last spring, PDA Executive Director Alan Minsky noted that the 2024 election cycle would represent a challenge for progressives. Minsky asked, “How will our electoral movement, which has grown in each successive cycle since 2016, fare in a presidential election year when there was no high-profile progressive standard barrer running for President? We have to anticipate that the political establishment will exploit this circumstance to re-marginalize progressives.”
As we approach mid-year, Minsky’s warning seems prescient. However, at the very same time, the manisteam of the Democratic Party is floundering.
On this sunday;s town hall with Prof. Harvey J kaye and the leadership of YPDA (Hartzell Gray, Kendall Avenia, William Walter, and Tyler Rivera) we’re going to talk about the one sure fire thing that can reverse both of these troubling trends: a full-throated expression of the positive vision for American society that progressives want to make a reality; and how it can be achieved through electoral politics – but only if Donald trump is defeated in the fall.
This is not a fantasy. Bernie’s politics, PDA’s politics are just as compelling today as they were in 2016 and 2020 – but we have to make the case loud and strong.
We’re going to start doing exactly that this Sunday at 4pm ET/1pm PT. Join us. RSVP Now!
We look forward to seeing you.
In solidarity,
The PDA National Team
If possible, please send the link of the transcript! Prof Kaye is a great Rooseveltian and
has the precise perspective we need to defeat the extreme authoritarian right!
I’m so sorry I missed him.
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