
SUNDAY: Alex Lawson on the Looming Battle over Social Security

Nov 10, 2023 | PDA News

Join us this Sunday when Alex Lawson, Executive Director of Social Security Works, gives us the lowdown on how the GOP will use the threat of a government shutdown to make cuts in the most popular program in American history—and how we will defeat them! RSVP Now!

In the next week, the threat of a federal government shutdown will move back into the headlines, as we approach the end of the 48-day extension agreed to early last month. While a further extension is a possibility, now that the House GOP majority is supposedly unified behind the new Speaker, super-conservative Mike Johnson, they will certainly make demands in order to agree to an extension—and don’t be surprised if demanding cuts in Social Security is their starting point.

For years, Congressional Republicans have sworn their fealty to cutting government spending and reducing deficits, and made the case that if this is to be done seriously, we’ll need to cut the biggest program of all, Social Security.  

Of course, this is utter nonsense—and this Sunday at 4pm ET/1pm PT, the great Alex Lawson will explain exactly why. Furthermore, Alex will let us know about efforts by progressives in Congress to expand progressive policies in Congress, and why doing so makes great economic sense, is easy to achieve, will do nothing to increase the deficit, and it’s what the American people want!

RSVP now for this super-important Town Hall!

In solidarity,

Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team

1 Comment

  1. Michael Fox

    Alex ROCKS! Looking forward to it!!
