There’s Still Time! Help Voters Vote!
For Elections Free From Fear, Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Deb, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team
Election Day Is Tomorrow!
Make A Progressive Wave!
Tomorrow is the day we’ve been working toward since Donald Trump’s election two years ago. We, at Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), have endorsed the largest slate of progressive candidates in our history. Please do whatever you can to help them win. Volunteer—Make easy, effective calls from your home with Mike Fox.
Also, it is essential for the welfare of the nation that Democrats win as many seats as possible—so wherever you are, vote! And do whatever you can to assist your fellow citizens in voting. We can make a Blue Progressive Wave a reality!
PDA deplores the Trumpublican racist politics of hate. Several top-level Republicans are on record advocating for voter supression, almost always along racial lines. Please join in an important effort to push back. Join the Center For Common Ground’s phone banks encouraging voters of color (Black, Hispanic, Asian and Native American) to vote!
Help Voters Targeted For Suppression!
See Something/Say Something Poll Watch
Share this link Poll Watch widely! Voters can report voting related issues, quickly and accurately without trolls on social media distorting reality. The press will monitor voter’s validated observations on a national heat map, in real time. They can then spot developing trends at a national level—like a weather map with Doppler radar.
Reporters can then do their job and report on issues so that lawyers, judges and election officials can react to problems – while there is still time to do something. If you text, text “see say” to 804-375-4421 and we’ll send the link directly to your phone.
Trumpublicans keep demonizing their political targets with reckless and incendiary rhetoric. We don’t have to accept the deterioration of the USA into MAGA Madness. Please sign up now to make calls to help voters of color with the Voter Project. Voter suppression, intimidation, and bigotry-based politics aren’t anything new. Hateful anti-immigrant, anti-minority rhetoric is a staple of today’s GOP and has been at least since Nixon’s racist “Southern Strategy.”
As Dr. King told us, “Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle.…” If you can give $5 per month, that’s great! $10? Wonderful! $25? Spectacular! Whatever is good for you is great for us. Thanks so much for anything you can do right now to help us reach our magic 100 new monthly sustainers goal.
We must reject politics based on hate and threats. Verbal and physical violence have no place in American political life. When Trumpublicans routinely demonize voters, they prove they cannot govern. We must make sre everyone is encouraged to vote. Please sign up now to CALL voters of color who may be feeling discouraged or intimidated and encourage them to vote with the Voter Project.
For Elections Free From Fear,
Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Deb, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team
P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox.