The Week That Was—The Years To Come!
Mike Hersh for Alan, Dr. Bill, Mike F., Janis, Deb, Dan, Kim, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Team
PDA Is Making Your Activism Matter
Please Pitch In To Keep It Going!
Each Saturday, we recap the week that was. This weekend, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) activists from around the USA are meeting in New Mexico to recap the past few years and to plan on an ambitious agenda, so this email will be a bit different. PDA was founded in 2004, and we launched our “Healthcare Not Warfare” campaign a decade ago to focus on ending the deadly evils of war and denial of healthcare.
Last week PDA teamed up with Code Pink and our Advisory Board member and original cofounder Medea Benjamin mobilizing to prevent war / regime change in Venezuela. Please click here to contact congressional Democrats using Code Pink’s action alert, and urge them to stand up against Trump’s illegal regime change policies, and co-hosted a webinar on Medicare for All. Click here to watch the webinar, hosted by Healthcare-NOW, People Demanding Action, and Progressive Democrats of America for a step-by-step guide to running your own grassroots campaign to move your Representative onto the Medicare for All Act of 2019. Then call Congress at 202-858-1717 to urge your Representative to sign on as an original cosponsor.
Contact Congress and urge your Representative
to cosponsor Rep. Jayapal’s Medicare For All Act now!
Call Congress 202-858-1717–urge your Representative
to cosponsor Rep. Jayapal’s Medicare For All Act now!
Here in New Mexico, we’re hearing from top national experts on topics from doubling Social Security benefits, to stopping global warming, to peace, to election protections, to protecting immigrants, to Medicare For All, and so much more. We’re also learning how to better use our resources and make our efforts even more effective. Most of all, amazing activists from rural areas, younger activists, and activists of color are helping us understand how best to reach out to those communities and include them in PDA’s activism.
We hope you appreciate these actions, advocacy alerts, briefing calls, and organizing webinars enough to kick in some dollars to support us so we can keep them coming. Please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford to support our organizing for progress.
PDA pushed back against Trump’s malignant, xenophobic, anti-woman vision that he expressed his State of the Union address by live tweeting, and emails. We also want to share Bernie Sanders’ response in case you missed it or if you want to watch it again. Click here to watch that video.
P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. Also please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford to support our organizing.