The Week That Was
By Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F., Mike H., Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Kimberly, Bryan, Donna, Judy, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team
Contact Both Of Your Senators With A Click Now!
Tell Them To No Vote On Kavanaugh While Charges
Of Attempted Rape And Perjury Remain Unresolved!
This week, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) announced a strategic partnership with Our Revolution! “Our Revolution looks forward to our continued work and partnership with PDA,” said Our Revolution President Nina Turner. “Before Sen. Sanders’ historic presidential run, people thought ideas like Medicare for All, a $15 minimum wage, and tuition-free college were impossible to achieve. In only a few short years we’ve changed the narrative on what is possible in this country and now the American people are on our side.” Read more about this exciting development here: PDA and Our Revolution Announce Strategic Partnership. PDA also continues to empower activists like you to contact the Senators to demand they put country and principle over malignant partisanship. Our efforts are working. Sen. Claire McCaskill announced her opposition to Kavanaugh this week!
If you haven’t called, please do so now. If you’ve called once, twice, or many times—don’t stop now! Keep calling all of the committee members and both of your Senators! Demand they stop the near-maniacal cover-up of Kavanaugh’s extremism and charges of attempted rape, a gambling addiction, and perjury before the Judiciary Committee in prior confirmation hearings. We know the Trumpublicans are desperately trying to confirm Kavanaugh in time for the new Supreme Court term in October. Remind them that when President Obama nominated Merrick Garland to serve on the Supreme Court, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell instituted the “McConnell Rule” blocking even the most preliminary consideration because it was about a year before an election. Demand they uphold the “McConnell Rule” now. Also, share this with ALL your contacts. The Senate is likely to cover up and confirm Kavanaugh unless we act to stop them.
Don’t Let Trumpublicans Ram Through A Tainted Nominee
Tell Your Senators “No Extremism Or Rush To Judgment”
As PDA activists create “street heat” to draw attention and visibility to issues ranging from Medicare for All, Climate Change, the devastation in Puerto Rico, and standing up for DACA recipients and immigrant families to the need to protect our rights by resisting Trump and opposing Brett Kavanaugh, we use a lot of rally signs, stickers, and other materials. We ship these organizing tools all over the country as needed by our activists. We need your help now so we can continue to amplify your message. Please give generously one time or preferably each month to support our materials fund.
The Tide Is Turning! Keep Calling Daily!
Please call and help spread the word—we must stop Kavanaugh’s appointment to Supreme Court. Kavanaugh has several serious ethical dark clouds over him, including credible allegations of attempted rape, perjury, and excessive gambling. All of that must be investigated thoroughly and deliberately. Here are the DC office numbers for the Judiciary Committee—keep calling daily to demand a delay in any Supreme Court confirmation until after Election Day and the new Senate is convened in January 2019–as the “McConnell Rule” requires:
Republicans on Judiciary need to know you consider perjury and attempted rape very serious crimes, not something to be covered up!
• Chuck Grassley, IA, Chairman (202) 224-3744—leans Yes
• Orrin Hatch, UT (202) 224-5251-Yes
• Lindsey Graham, SC (202) 224-5972—Yes
• John Cornyn, TX (202) 224-2934–Yes
• Mike Lee, UT (202) 224-5444—leans Yes
• Ted Cruz, TX (202) 224-5922—Yes
• Ben Sasse, NE (202) 224-4224–leans Yes
• Jeff Flake, AZ (202) 224-4521—leans Yes
• Mike Crapo, ID (202) 224-6142—Yes
• Thom Tillis, NC (202) 224-6342—Yes
John Kennedy, LA (202) 224-4623—Yes
Democrats on Judiciary need to know you have their back and that you urge them to take any and all actions necessary to block this tainted nominee:
• Dianne Feinstein, CA, Ranking Member (202) 224-3841—leans No
• Patrick Leahy, VT (202) 224-4242-Leans No
• Dick Durbin, IL (202) 224-2152—Leans No
• Sheldon Whitehouse, RI (202) 224-2921—No
• Amy Klobuchar, MN (202) 224-3244—No
• Chris Coons, DE (202) 224-5042—leans No
• Richard Blumenthal, CT (202) 224-2823—No
• Mazie Hirono, HI (202) 224-6361—No
• Cory Booker, NJ (202) 224-3224—No
• Kamala Harris, CA (202) 224-3553 —No
Keep pressure on these waffling Senators who aren’t on the Committee. Demand they publicly announce opposition to Kavanaugh:
• Donnelly-D-IN—(202) 224-4814
• Heitkamp-D-ND—(202) 224-5521
• Jones-D-AL—(202) 224-4124
• Manchin-D-WV—(202) 2243954—I spoke with a staffer at his district office who was enthusiastic about passing along my “vote No” message to the Senator
• Collins-R-ME—(202) 224-2523 —getting huge amount of pressure to vote No and $1 million+ has been pledged for her opponent if she votes Yes
• Murkowski-R-AK—(202) 224-6665
• Nelson D-FL—(202) 224-5274 running in a tight race for re-election, Florida is at or just above sea level, and stands to lose more lives and property than any other state if Kavanaugh’s climate denial takes hold on the Supreme Court.
Also contact these key Senators:
• Enzi-R-WY—(202) 224-3424
• Ernst -R-IA—(202) 224-3254
• Fischer-R-NE—(202) 224-6551
• Gardner-R-CO—(202) 224-5941
• Lankford-R-OK—(202) 224-5754
If you have time, please thank Sen. Claire McCaskill-D-MO—(202) 224-6154 for announcing that she will not vote to confirm Kavanaugh. She needs to know we appreciate her courageous decision. We have a few extra days—let’s not waste them!
Thank you for all you do!
In solidarity,
Debra Schrishuhn for Mike F., Mike H., Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Kimberly, Bryan, Donna, Judy, and Shayna—Your PDA National Team
P.S. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal. Join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. Also please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford to support our organizing.