
The Only Way to Combat the Epidemic of Gun Violence is to Elect Unbought and Unbossed Progressive Candidates

May 17, 2022 | PDA News

In solidarity,
Debra Schrishuhn for the PDA National Team

To Elect Progressives to Congress, We Must Nominate Progressives in the Primaries


Here at PDA, we’ve been working hard on getting our endorsed candidates elected today, May 17th, to give us leverage in DC against the assault on women’s rights, on gun violence, democracy itself, the environment, and more.

Last weekend, a white supremacist drove to a predominantly Black neighborhood in Buffalo, New York, and killed 11 people in a grocery store. Three more were injured. Two people were killed and three injured in a Houston, Texas, shooting at a flea market. One person was killed and five injured in a Laguna Woods, California, church.

And then there’s Chicago, where 33 people were shot, five fatally, in incidents over the weekend, including two mass shootings. The preceding weekend 24 people were shot, six fatally, in gun violence across the city.

What have we heard from elected officials? Thoughts and prayers, hand-wringing, perfunctory outrage at racial motivations in the Buffalo shooting—in other words, the same old, same old. No significant legislation will be introduced; if it is, it will not pass because too many politicians are in thrall to the gun lobby and to so-called Second Amendment absolutism.

We need elected officials who are not afraid to speak up, who will stand against the gun lobby and Second Amendment absolutists, who are willing to propose and pass real gun safety legislation.They are not in Congress yet. We have to elect them, and that’s where you come in.

Join the National Phone Team. Make easy calls from home to fellow PDA folks to ensure they’re in the know about important actions and our endorsed candidates. We work 7 days a week, so whenever is good for you is good for us. We need our phones on fire this week! Click here now to join

Can’t volunteer? Please contribute what you are able to afford and make it monthly if you can.

There’s much to do, and we need the resources to make it all happen.

Thanks so much for anything you can do to ramp up our victories in 2022. Hope to hear from you soon!

