The Next Medicare For All Vote Is Tomorrow—Help Us Win!
In solidarity,
Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Dr. Bill, Dan, Donna, and Janis—your PDA national team.
Help Flip the Senate! Pitch in to Elect Betsy Sweet
Help Mike Siegel Flip a Red Seat to Progressive Blue!
Click Here to Join the PDA Phone Team to Make Calls Today
and Tomorrow to Help These Medicare for All Champions Win
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is working to flip the Senate and make the House more progressive by supporting strong progressive candidates who champion Medicare For All. Please help out by giving generously now and—if possible—give automatically every month to maximize your impact. Money tight? Then make election-winning calls.
Corporate Democrats oppose policies we need—Medicare For All, the Green New Deal, Medicare For All, Climate Emergency Action, Clean Elections, Dignity for Immigrants, Ending Corporate Rule, Peace, and so much more. We need progressive leaders Betsy Sweet in the U.S. Senate and Mike Siegel in the House—not fake moderate, corporate placeholders.
Trump depends on Susan Collins to push his destructive agenda. We need your time and money right now to help Betsy Sweet send extremist-enabling Susan Collins packing.
Pitch In To Help Betsy Sweet Win!
Volunteer To Help PDA Build
A Massive Progressive Wave!
PDA very selectively endorses candidates who champion our fundamental progressive policies and values. We endorsed Mike Siegel in 2018 and again this cycle because he’s a fierce and effective advocate for the policies we desperately need—a Green New Deal, Medicare For All, and so much more.
Mike finished first in his primary. Now, he needs our help to win the run off tomorrow so he can defeat extreme right-winger Michael McCaul in November. Mike very narrowly lost to McCaul two years ago. With our help he will win this time!
Pitch In to Help Mike Siegel Flip a Red Seat
Money Tight? Volunteer to Help Win Elections
We need to make as many Get Out The Vote (GOTV) calls today and tomorrow as possible! Are you with us? Please Click Here to email Mike “Phone Guy” Fox and sign up to make easy, effective calls from your own home all the way through to Election Day!
Too busy to make calls? Click here to pitch in $3, $5, or whatever you can afford to support PDA’s Win 2020 Victory Fund.
P.S. We need your help now and through Election Day and beyond. Please Click Here to pitch in every month to sustain our Win 2020 Victory Fund With Automatic Donations: