
The Insane Week That Was. We Continue To Fight!

Dec 2, 2017

By   Mike Fox for Donna, Mike H., Amos, Janis, Deb, Bryan, Kim, Dan, Judy, Dr. Bill and the rest of the PDA team

We’ve Just Begun To Fight


From trying to win a Senate race in Alabama against a sexist, racist, homophobe, to organizing events to save Dreamers from having their lives shattered, to battling the corporatist right on the hill, it’s been a busy week.  But we now double down.

PDA Executive Director Donna Smith puts it well…

“I cannot help noting that the United States Senate, on the night that the Trumpublican administration’s former National Security Advisor offered a guilty plea on charges that he lied to the FBI, ignored the enveloping crisis in the nation and the newly-escalated unrest across the globe to pass a tax bill at least partially jotted in actual handwriting in the margins of a bill no one had a chance to read fully. The bill overhauls the nation’s tax system, gives special tax benefits largely to the ultra-wealthy, threatens healthcare coverage for 13 million Americans, and by even conservative accounts raises the national debt over one trillion dollars. That’s $1,000,000,000,000. That’s all so they can claim a win and enjoy the support of their lobbyists’ industries and individuals.”

“An estimated 25% of Americans thought this bill was a good idea. So now our focus must be to get loud in our objection and proud of our values and stop this abomination from being successful in conference committee or in ever making to anyone’s desk for signature.”

“We know some of you are getting tired of resisting this mess. We understand. But we cannot shrink from this moment facing this nation and our planet. For this instant, we have to be as strong as patriots who have stood before in our history against racism, inequality, and injustice. It is true that we are a nation governed by laws, and it is also true that those laws have not been justly applied nor humanely enforced. The tax scam is yet another example. It divides us. And someone, somewhere along the line might have told us all. “A nation divided against itself cannot stand.” Oh, wait, that was President Abraham Lincoln who said that in 1858 as he paraphrased one of the Trumpublicans’ favorite authors in the Book of Mark in the New Testament to the Bible.”

“We will stand in solidarity with one another as we demand that the government once formed to represent us all actually do that and as we come together to hold them to account now and at the polls in 2018. It won’t be magic. It will be justice all the way around.”

Fired up?  Then here’s a way to turn your righteous indignation into effective action.  Join one of the #OurDream events at congressional offices Mon, Dec. 4th or Tues., Dec. 5th.

Here are 5 other ways we’re having an impact right now, and so can you, wherever you live:

1) Get active with your local PDA chapter.  Contact

2) Join the Educate Congress Letter Drop Team.  Contact

3) Join the National Phone Team making easy calls from your home, like to Alabama to defeat Moore.  Contact
4) Make your clicks count with our action alerts on Inpeaching Trump, Stopping The Republican Tax BillGuaranteeing Healthcare For All,  Supporting The Dream Act (DACA), Protecting The Iran Nuclear Treaty, Insuring Net Neutrality, and getting us Off Fossil Fuels.

5) Contribute as much as you can to help us continue our work. right now.  We don’t have billionaire dark money donors.  We depend upon you to keep the lights on, and the fires burning.

There’s much to be done.  But if we all do as much as we can, we will succeed at making the world a more progressive and just place for all.

Let’s get to work!

In solidarity,

Mike Fox for Donna, Mike H., Amos, Janis, Deb, Bryan, Kim, Dan, Judy, Dr. Bill and the rest of the PDA team

