
The Birth of a New International Progressive Movement

Apr 11, 2019

PRESS RELEASE – Progressive Democrats of America

On April 3rd and 4th in Brussels, Belgium, The Party of the European Left and the GUE/NGL members of the European Parliament organized a series of meetings with representatives from leading progressive organizations from the United States.

The American contingent included Alan Minsky, the Executive Director of the Progressive Democrats of America, Maria Svart, the National Director of the Democratic Socialists of America, and David Duhalde, Political Director of Our Revolution. Alexandra Rojas, Executive Director of the Justice Democrats, who was unable to travel to Belgium, participated in the sessions remotely.

The inspiration for the event came, in part, from Senator Bernie Sanders call for the development of an “international progressive front.”

“That was a truly inspiring series of meetings,” said Minsky upon his return stateside.  “It’s true that we are living in troubling times, with the rise of the far right across Europe, the U.S., and much of the globe. However, in the States we also see unprecedented growth on the left. In our ever-increasingly globalized world, it is essential that left progressives across the world share ideas and forge deeper bonds of solidarity. For that alone, these meetings were of the utmost importance.

“Also, we came away with a renewed sense of confidence that at this hour of history, when the neo-liberal order is exposed as failing to deliver on its promises of freedom and prosperity, that only the progressive left has positive answers for the crises facing society and the planet – and that people across the globe will be increasingly receptive to that message, and to our policies for economic, social, and environmental justice.”

Maite Mola and Paolo Ferrero, the Vice-Presidents of the Party of the European Left, wrote after the meetings, “We look forward to working together to combat the domination of the 1% and the rise of what Sanders calls the “new authoritarian axis”, and to developing positive alternatives together.”


Alan Minsky

Executive Director

Progressive Democrats of America


