
The Best Way to Support the Progressive Movement

Feb 4, 2019

photo: PDA Activists Barnstorming for Medicare For All Last Weekend

In solidarity,  Alan Minsky for Deb, Mike F., Mike H., Janis, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, Bryan, and Shayna—your PDA National Team

Help Us Reach Our Goal By
Becoming a PDA Sustainer

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) doesn’t take a day off. We don’t set up shop for electoral campaigns, and then go dormant after Election Day. We are in the field, on the streets, in the suites, on the phones, talking with voters, educating Congress, whipping votes, pushing progressive policies, and protesting against injustice every day of every year. We need your support to sustain our work.

We Need Your Sustained Support to Achieve Our Shared Goals

Your Automatic Monthly Gift Will Help Us Build On Our Progress

If we reach $10,000 a month in sustaining donations, PDA will be guaranteed to be on budget for the entire year. That means our staff and our legions of PDA volunteers will be able to take all the energy they currently expend on fund raising and put it into our passion: Building the progressive movement inside the Democratic Party; remaking and reimagining the party so that it truly represents the interests of the American people.

Right now, we’re just over 60% of the way to our goal. Every sustaining donation gets us closer. Your monthly gift will sustain our ongoing efforts. Sustainers help us budget our time and efforts, and aid in preparing rapid response to the whirlwind of policy initiatives, reversals, court decisions, indictments, and general chaos that roil our current national political environment.

We need your sustaining support now. Please give $27, $20.20, $12, $10, or $5 as a monthly giftto keep our staffers working and our volunteers supplied with the materials they need to advocate for policies we all care about. If you can give $5 per month, that’s great! $10? Wonderful! $27? Spectacular! Whatever is good for you is great for us. Thanks so much for anything you can do right now to help us reach our sustainer goal.

P.S. Invest Now to Help PDA Elect Progressives in 2020!

