
Tell Congress “No War Against Iran”

Jul 19, 2019

For Peace,  Mike Hersh for Alan, Mike F., Dan, Deb, Dr. Bill, Shayna, Kimberly, Janis, Bryan, and all of our PDA family.

Tell Congress to Oppose Trump’s Rush to War!


The Trump Administration is once again escalating tensions with Iran. From increasingly incendiary rhetoric to repudiating the multi-national nuclear disarmament agreement, Trump and other officials have recklessly and needlessly exacerbated tensions between the U.S. and Iran.

We founded Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) in 2004 in large part to demand the end to wars and occupations, and we call on you to help us prevent another aggressive war of choice in the Middle East.

Click Here to oppose war against Iran. Then, please share this link widely:

Join PDA Saying “Healthcare Not Warfare!”

Now, Trump is celebrating the shoot-down of an Iranian drone and openly threatening Iran with military attack! We’ve seen this dangerous march to war before. We must act now to prevent another illegal, destructive, destabilizing war in the Middle East.

Contact your Representative and Senators now! Tell them: “No war against Iran!”


P.S. Save the date Thursday July 25, 9pm ET, 6pm PT for a webinar/conference call on holding Trump accountable through Impeachment Inquiries.

