
Tell Congress — No Dollars for War with Syria

Apr 14, 2017

By Donna Smith, Executive Director – Progressive Democrats of America

PDA was honored to be on a call this week with one of our oldest and most dear friends, former Rep. Dennis Kucinich. We can only imagine how forceful Dennis would have been in opposing the intense increase in military actions right now. Joining us on that call were other incredible voices for peace –Norman Solomon, David Segal and David Swanson. Medea Benjamin was scheduled to join us, but she was protesting with immigrants today in D.C. We know she stands with us.

Congress is on recess, however you can find many of them holding town hall meetings. You need to make time to show up. Here is a site we find helpful when looking up scheduled town halls: CLICK here.

Healthcare not warfareThe war hawks are certainly not taking any sort of spring break, Passover pause, or Easter retreat. No siree. Why waste a perfectly good enormous bomb, one that costs tens of millions of dollars at that, when the federal budget is so tight? Cruise missiles in Syria last week, a MOAB bomb dropped in Afghanistan this week, tensions with North Korea over nuclear weapons, and the potential for a renewed cold war with Russia are all now part of the Trump regime’s proudest accomplishments in just eight short weeks. Our Congressional members are not doing enough to stand up to this horrible, dangerous and rapid pivot to intensified war nor are they hearing enough from their constituents on how much all of this is likely to cost. We cannot afford more bombs.

Early this week, PDA urged its activists to push their Congressional members to support Tulsi Gabbard’s Stop Arming Terrorists Bill, HR608, and now we are prepared to ask for more. We believe Congress must stop providing any additional funding to war in Syria. In our future work with our partners and allies in the anti-war/pro-peace movement, we will carry a cohesive message that funding war and a massive military build-up is an unacceptable course for our country and for humanity.

Resist and insist. No to funding war in Syria. Yes to supporting programs of social uplift. Healthcare NOT Warfare. Healthcare NOT Warfare. Healthcare NOT Warfare.

P.S. With the scientists’ march, the climate march, the immigrants march, and the People’s Summit fast approaching, PDA needs your support. We are in need of signage, printed materials, stickers and buttons. Every dollar helps us. National staff have been donating their own funds to keep up with demand. We need the strong messaging that placards and bumper stickers provide. Please give as generously as you are able and share this widely.


  1. Eric Lind

    Please – no war in Syria!

  2. Greg LeRoy

    NO MORE WAR!!!
