
Tonight’s the Night! Debate in Des Moines, Iowa

Tonight’s the Night! Debate in Des Moines, Iowa photo: Bernie With Medicare For All Supporters In solidarity for victory!  Alan Minsky for Mike F., Donna, Deb, Dr. Bill, Dan, Janis, Bryan, Kimberly, and Mike H.—your PDA National Staff Bernie Will Stand at Center...

Never Stop. Never Slow Down. Never Give Up.

In solidarity, Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F, Janis, Mike H, Dan, Dr Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team Onward, Together!   As Congressional committees uncover more details and instances of malfeasance, obstruction, abuse of power, and outright...

Debating The Debate

Left: Health spending per capita, in $US PPP-adjusted (Public domain) Right: Hurricane Dorian on September 1 (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration • Public domain) In solidarity,  Mike Hersh for Alan, Dr. Bill, Dan, Janis, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Mike F., and...

Progress = Justice

Yours in service,  Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike H., Shayna, Janis, Kimberly, Bryan, Dan, Dr. Bill and Mike F. — your PDA national team Support Justice. Support PDA Every Month. Progressive Democrats of America works on a wide range of issues day-in and day-out,...

Weekly Recap: Debates and What You Do Now!

photo: Rep. Al Green Calls for Impeachment(Photo Screen Shot from C-Span Video)In solidarity,  Mike Hersh for Alan, Shayna, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Mike F., Dr. Bill, Dan, and Janis—your PDA national team. Demand Accountability For Trump This past week, Progressive...