Sustaining PDA’s Operations into 2024: Here’s Why We Keep Asking
Become a PDA Monthly Sustainer Today: Here’s Why
As much as I would like to defy the laws of physics and cram more hours of activism into every day, that just doesn’t happen. So, here at PDA we do as much as we can in the 24-hour day we are given, and unfortunately, some of that precious time is not spent fighting the climate crisis or promoting progressive candidates or trying to change healthcare policy or any of the other issues we care about so deeply—no, some of our time every day has to be devoted to raising funds to keep our basic operations going.
Progressive Democrats of America has been active since 2004, holding elected officials accountable, educating lawmakers, and supporting progressive candidates and policies. We rely on volunteers, donors, sustaining donors, and a very small dedicated staff to make progressive waves throughout the country and in the halls of Congress.
We still have a lot of work to do. For that, we need your help.
Sustainers, those PDA activists who give quarterly or monthly, are the lifeblood of our organization. We truly appreciate every gift, from $1 to $1000+, that we receive, and we endeavor to use every dollar wisely.
Sustainers not only provide funds for our ongoing activities, you provide a stable baseline of funding that we can use in long-range financial planning, and your steady support means we can spend less time asking for money and more time advocating for the candidates and causes we all care about.
Currently, we have monthly donors from 40 states and DC. We need to hear from activists in Hawai’i and Delaware, as well as from Wyoming, Montana, and the Dakotas. I know you’re out there.
By the end of July we wanted to have another 100 sustainers hailing from all 50 states. We missed that goal, but we appreciate the progress we’ve made, all thanks to generous supporters who have made new or additional sustaining gifts in the past three weeks. So we keep reaching out and we keep asking, because every sustaining gift, no matter the amount, frees up a little more time for organizing and activism.
Already a sustainer? Then thank you so much, and please consider increasing your commitment, if you can. Not currently a sustainer? Then please become on now. Let us hear from you today.
Can you chip in $2.70/month to sustain PDA? Can you manage $5 or $10 per month? We need to hear from you now.
In solidarity,
Debra Schrishuhn for the PDA National Team