
Support Katie Porter for Re-Election in CA-45 (Orange County)

Sep 17, 2020

In solidarity,

Alan Minsky for Mike F, Janis, Deb, Mike H, Donna, Dan, Dr Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team


Progressive Champion Katie Porter faces a tough re-election campaign. Help PDA return Katie to Congress.

There is only one high-profile progressive member of Congress facing a difficult re-election in 2020, and that’s Katie Porter from the traditional Republican stronghold of Orange County, California.

The GOP was furious about losing all of the Congressional seats in Orange County in 2018; but top of their hit list for 2020 is the most outspoken and progressive member from OC, Katie Porter. A staunch supporter for Medicare for All, Katie is also a powerful advocate on a range of progressive economic issues, and never pulls any punches when exposing the corruption of the Trump Administration.. 

Orange County may be trending blue, but it’s still a far cry from San Francisco, Berkeley, or LA. The GOP remains strong in OC and they want revenge. Consequently, Katie has the toughest re-election of any true progressive in Congress. So, PDA will do everything we can to make sure this brilliant young lawmaker returns to Washington.


  1. Marilyn Brown

    I would love to support your efforts Katie! Please let me know where I can send a check and how else I can support you! Thank you and don’t ever get discouraged we need your bright mind and cheery optimism! marilyn brown, 80 yo R.N.
