Sunday’s Town Hall: Chicago, Chicago & Philadelphia, too. RSVP Now!
by Alan Minsky
Join us This Sunday at 4pm ET/1pm PT. Progressives are winning elections throughout many of America’s biggest cities.
On this Sunday’s Town Hall, we’ll be joined by Joy Bunton, a PDA activist in the Windy City. We’ll hear from Joy about her local grassroots organizing, the excitement in Chicago following the election of Brandon Johnson and a truly progressive City Council, and how PDA can help with the progressive transformation of the “Second City.”
While on the subject of Chicago, we’ll discuss PDA’s plans for the 2024 DNC convention next August. We’re hoping to make it the biggest PDA gathering to date!
We’ll also discuss the upcoming elections in Pennsylvania where we’re hoping to continue a string of progressive victories across the country, including in the great city of Philadelphia, and on to Virginia in June.
In solidarity,
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team
I will participate