Sunday Town Hall: Debate Debrief & PDA’s Chicago Conference
Join us this Sunday at 4pm et/1pm pt for a Town Hall that will address the crisis state of American politics and why Progressives cannot be bystanders. Rather, we need to present our program as the solution to the crisis. We’ll look back at the debate and forward to our Progressive Central Conference in Chicago. RSVP Now!
Most pundits expected Thursday night’s debate to be an unmemorable event in an uninspiring election year. Trump would be Trump, and Biden would be competent. Unfortunately, very unfortunately, only half the deal was upheld. As I write this, the implications of the debate are unknown, very unknown.
What remains clear—and was only confirmed by 90 minutes in which Trump seemed hellbent on shattering his own record for prevaricating—is that Donald Trump must be defeated in the fall.
The question that was painfully raised is whether President Biden is no longer physically strong enough to achieve this essential end.
Welcome to the next chapter in the unfolding crisis of American democracy.
Join us on Sunday when we will discuss the fallout from the debate: RSVP Now!
Just as importantly, we’re going to talk about PDA’s big summer event: the Progressive Central Conference in Chicago on Sunday August 18 and Monday August 19 (the DNC is August 19-22).
Arriving right on time, the theme of the conference is why the progressive agenda is the solution to the ongoing crisis of American democracy.
You won’t want to miss this Sunday’s Town Hall at 4pm et/1pm pt. RSVP Now!
In solidarity,
Alan Minsky for the PDA National Team
Utilizing the GRIT approach of Graduated Reciprocation in tension reduction, what would be a good offer to Russia to get them to start the process of de-escalation in the War in Ukraine?
What should we offer to Russia to get them to deescalate the War in Ukraine?