
Step Up and Be Counted—TRUTH Week USA

Sep 10, 2020

If not now, when?

Debra Schrishuhn for Alan, Mike F, Janis, Mike H, Donna, Dan, Dr Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team


TRUTH Week USA is September 14-18, 2020

Join the Movement for Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation

If not now, when? After more than 400 years of slavery, segregation, and systemic racism—after centuries of denial, pseudo-science, and facile justification—after too many empty thoughts and prayers and crocodile tears—how long can we afford to let chronic devaluation of Black lives literally kill people?

We need to know where members of Congress stand. Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is proud to stand with Rep. Barbara Lee’s office, the U.S. National Truth Coalition, and many other partners to mobilize 218 co-sponsors before the end of September for H.Con.Res.100 calling for a USCommission on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation and for H.R.40, sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, calling for a US Commission on reparations from slavery. Each piece of legislation currently has 155 co-sponsors, with 63 additional cosponsors needed to achieve our goal by September 30.

During TRUTH Week, we want to focus national attention on these bills that begin to repair the damage four centuries of racism has done to our country, and create momentum to launch a National Truth Commission in the first 100 days of the next administration.

Members of Congress will only step up to be counted if they receive encouragement and pressure from their constituents. We need to know where they stand BEFORE the November election, giving citizens more reason to vote.

The current administration is rife with white supremacist sentiment, advocacy, and policy. Too many members of Congress have stood with this racist administration, or stood silent while they trample on the rights and lives of African Americans. It is not enough to protest the devaluation of Black lives; we need to make our elected officials take action; we need to give people a reason to get out and vote.

Monday—watch Social Media for Resolution PSA; noon Eastern, Univ. of Maryland Anti-Racism Event

Tuesday—call to action: Thank/Spank your Representative on H.Con.Res.100 and H.R.40 co-sponsorship

Wednesday—2-4pm Eastern Twitterstorm in conjunction with Rep. Barbara Lee’s office

Thursday—Constitution Day: joint actions on H.Con.Res.100 and H.R.40

Friday—sign petitions demanding legislative action

For more details on these campaigns, contact To support PDA’s efforts on racial justice, contribute generously here.


