Start August with Healthcare Town Hall Sunday, August 1—RSVP Now!
Dr. Bill Honigman for the PDA National Team
Medicare Turns 56, Help MFA Champion Nina Turner, and Join Our Healthcare Emergency Town Hall Sunday, 4pm ET/1pm PT
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is committed to electing champions for a #SinglePayer expanded and improved #MedicareForAll system of healthcare in America. As such, we are especially focused this week on helping, in any way that we can, one of our greatest ever champions, former OH State Senator Nina Turner.
Senator Turner’s race in this special election to fill the vacancy in the U.S. House of Representatives for OH CD-11 comes down to the wire this Tuesday, August 3rd, and as we know special elections are special. It’s all about voter turnout. So, we need to help phone bank, or assist the on-the-ground canvassing going on right now and up to the time polls close on Tuesday with resources to make Rep. Nina Turner, OH-11, a reality.
Join us for the PDA Healthcare Emergency Town Hall this Sunday August 1st 4p ET / 1p PT as we commemorate the 56th anniversary of Medicare, and showcase the PDA National leadership team and their perspective on this pivotal moment in our electoral politics.
And donate and/or volunteer as well, if you are able.
Thanks as always for everything that you do, and onward!
PS: See previous Town Halls archived on YouTube here.