Special Directions for Congressional Liaisons during the COVID Pandemic
By Alan Minsky, Executive Director – Progressive Democrats of America
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic most congressional offices are closed. Therefore, the best way to reach your congressperson’s staff is through their Washington DC office.
Therefore during the pandemic the best way to proceed with reaching out as a PDA Congressional liaison is to:
1. Call the Washington Office during east coast business hours.
For the House of Representatives you can reach your congressperson easily through the switchboard at 202-224-3121.
For the U S Senate, the number is also 202-224-3121.
2. Explain to the staffer who answers that you are a constituent, and ask how you can send in a digital letter advocating for policy? Explain that you would like to direct the e-mail both to the appropriate staffer in Washington DC*, and also to a staffer at your local office.
2b. *For March 2021, ask to direct the letter to the DC staffer who handles healthcare issues.
3. After you send the letter to the local staffer, follow-up with an e-mail that you are requesting an in-person meeting to discuss healthcare policy and Medicare for All.
4. On the monthly report back form, let us know if you receive any response from either the DC office or from a local staffer.