Sign Up For Sunday’s Healthcare Emergency Town Hall Now!
Dr Bill Honigman for the PDA National Team
Join Our Healthcare Emergency Town Hall
Sunday, 4pm EDT/1pm PDT
We at Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) agree with the majority of the U.S. Supreme Court that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) needs to remain in place, at least until more and better healthcare is made available to the American people. Unfortunately, while the ACA does make healthcare affordable for many who need it (and profitable for some who really DON’T need it), it absolutely does NOT make healthcare affordable for ALL who need it.
Therefore, we will continue to advocate for what the vast majority of the people of America want and need—healthcare as a human right through a #SinglePayer expanded and improved #MedicareForAll (MFA) system. And, public health, economic, and social scientists all agree, because science and mathematics tell us that MFA will save money—lots of money, and save lives—lots of lives. #EverybodyInNobodyOut
Join us once again this Sunday, for the PDA Healthcare Emergency Online Town Hall Sunday June 20, 4p EDT / 1p PDT, as we recognize Father’s Day, and the need to protect and provide healthcare for all fathers and all who have had a father.
With us will be special guest speaker Joel R. Segal, former lead Healthcare Policy Advisor and Legislative Assistant to the late great Rep. John Conyers, Jr., D-MI, author of H.R.676 (the National MFA Act that remained the gold standard federal Single Payer legislation in Congress for over a decade), co-founder of PDA, and PDA National Advisory Board Member for many years, to discuss what needs to be done now to get more Members of Congress signed on as cosponsors to H.R.1976, the National MFA Act of 2021, and now also H.R.3775, the new State Based Universal Healthcare Act.
Can’t make the town hall? Then volunteer or donate now.
Thanks so much for anything you can do.
Hope to see you Sunday!
PS: See previous Town Halls archived on YouTube here.
Will those of us already on Medicare be covered by the new Medicare fothg all?
Medicare is complicated and still expensive for many seniors.