Sign the Petition: Include Medicare for All in the Democratic Party Platform
Include Medicare for All in the Democratic Party Platform
Invest To Enact Medicare For All And Science-Based
Effective, Emergency COVID-19 Response Policies
Join Our Weekly Emergency Healthcare Town Hall
July 5th, 4-5pm ET, 1-2pm PT—Contact Mike Fox
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is calling upon the Democratic Party to face facts. When we champion smart, effective policies the voters will respond with enthusiasm and deliver victories on Election Day, up and down the ballot.
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic produced the greatest public health crisis in recent American history, healthcare was the leading issue for Democratic primary voters. This was due to widespread recognition of the failings of our current system; such as inadequate care, excessive cost, unnecessary bureaucracy, frequent denial of coverage, and constant insecurity.
According to exit polls, a significant majority of all Democratic primary voters supported the adoption of a universal single-payer Medicare for All system, which would address all of these problems. That was before the current healthcare crisis.
The COVID-19 pandemic has since exposed the failings of our healthcare system like never before. Now, support for Medicare for All is soaring; with sky high levels of support among Democrats and a sizable majority among the general public. We believe that Medicare for All will not only be a winning issue in November – it will be a landslide winning issue.
For the sake of our general welfare, and for defeating Donald Trump, we call upon the Democratic Party to include Medicare for All in the 2020 Democratic Party platform.
Please Click Here to sign the petition: Include Medicare for All in the Democratic Party Platform. Then please share this petition on social media and by email.
P.S.: On November 3rd, Americans will choose leadership that will determine the course of our future on healthcare, climate, racial justice, redistricting, and so much more.
We need your sustained, monthly donations to elect Progressive Democrats to Congress
We need Medicare for all.
Let’s enact HR1384 or S1129 into law.
Pass Medicare of All now. No excuses. We are in a pandemic and it is time to do the right thing and provide healthcare for all people living in the US.
We need Medicare 4 All, the for-profit system we have now is bankrupting the American people and leading to thousands of needless deaths.
M4A needed now!
Give every American the same coverage you have being a member of Congress.
HR 1384 M4A will give everyone in the US the same coverage no matter who you are: 100% of the cost of ALL medical needs for LIFE! And it will SAVE every household with an income less than a quarter of a million a year, thousands of dollars per year! It doesn’t get better than that!