
Sign the Petition for a Student Debt Stimulus in response to the COVID-19 Crisis

Mar 19, 2020

photo: Student loan debt rose from $480.1 billion
(3.5% GDP) in aQ1 2006 to $1,397.3 billion
(7.5% GDP) in Q3 2016
• (Public Domain)

Solidarity,  Alan Minsky for Mike F., Janis, Mike H. Dan, Donna, Deb, Dr. Bill, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA National Team

Please Sign The Coalition Petition
Help Make Student Debt Relief Part
Of The COVID-19 Stimulus Package


As Congress puts together a stimulus package in response to the COVID-19 crisis, the idea of providing relief for the 46 million Americans suffering under a massive ($1.6 trillion) student debt burden is gaining momentum.


Sign The Petition To Make Student Debt
Relief Part Of The Emergency Stimulus


Please Pitch In Now To Help PDA Cancel Student Debt!


No money to spare? Contact Mike Fox to Get Involved


Canceling student debt would immediately boost state and local economies across the nation. The average borrower pays $400 each month. If we cancel student debt, those payments would end, and 46 million Americans could support small businesses, put food on the table, and help make ends meet during this tumultuous time.

Sign the petition to support the Student Debt Stimulus now to put money directly into the hands of the people when they need it most.

Pitch in now! Your support will help keep PDA mobilizing for student debt cancellation and other progressive policies.


P.S.: Save the date! “Healthcare Emergency Town Hall” Pandemic Webinar with Dr. Bill this Saturday 4pm ET 1pm PT. Details coming soon! Contact Mike Fox to RSVP.

We need your help now. Please sign up with our Phone Team and make easy, important movement building calls from your own home.

No time to volunteer? Please donate $5, $50, or whatever you can afford each month to sustain PDA’s activism in opposition to Trump.


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1 Comment

  1. STEPH

    Debt Relief now!!! It’s hard enough trying to keep a roof over your head!!!
