Sign our petition: The next Stimulus Bill must address the Student Debt Crisis
In solidarity, Alan Minsky for Mike F., Mike H., Donna, Deb, Kimberly, Bryan, Dr. Bill, Dan, and Janis—your PDA national team.
Tell Congress: Student Debt Cancellation Must Be
Part of the Next COVID-19 Emergency Legislation
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is optimistic about one thing during these troubled times: The Student Debt crisis is finally getting the attention it deserves.
There is a real opportunity for student debt cancellation to be part of the next stimulus package. Now is the time to make sure our voices are heard. Act now! Congress will vote on the next COVID Response legislation as early as tomorrow.
46 million Americans are carrying a staggering sum total of 1.7 trillion dollars of student debt. Millions feel trapped, with no hope of paying off their debt. Sign the Petition Telling Congress to Cancel Student Debt.
Tell Congress to Cancel Student Debt
Now, Americans face even more economic adversity; as the COVID-19 crisis causes mass unemployment the likes of which we’ve never seen before. There is a growing recognition across the land, and on Capitol Hill, that something must be done before the burden is too great for student debt holders.
There are new bills in both the U.S. Senate and House calling for emergency student debt relief—up to $10,000 cancelled for each student debtor. Democratic leadership is deciding this week whether to include these proposals in the next stimulus bill. By speaking up right now, we can make the difference.
Please sign our petition calling on the Federal Government to support the Student Debt Stimulus.
We appreciate all you do to help make progress on these and other issues. If you’ve never donated to help PDA help you pressure our elected officials, now is the perfect time. We need your support more than ever. Click Here to support PDA’s issue organizing.
Join PDA Investing to Elect Progressives
1. Stimulus should be BIG , salient & recurring: No Tax Cuts, No Payroll Tax Cuts No sequestration, No austerity
2. Target Main Street NOT Wall Street: homeowners, workers, small mom & pop, family Businesses, eliminate unemployment insurance wait
3. Make structure reform improvements: pay sick time & other type of family leaves, raise minimum wage to living wage, keep people working, keep Collective bargaining agreements
4. Bailouts NEED Stringent Conditions: No Stock Buyouts, No Bonuses, end risky behavior
5. Focus on Debt Forgiveness: No fancy hard to apply programs
6. Focus on Long Term stability: No Technocratic Regulations, No deregulation, think Glass-Steagall
7. If it functions as MONEY, Regulate as MONEY: bring commercial, repo & money markets into banking regulation regimes.
8. How funds to businesses are to be distributed shall be announced ahead of time and either House of Congress can block the distribution. All bailouts must be up front and known to the People.
9. No Bailouts for: the fossil fuel industry, the Nuclear Industry, pipeline corporations, Cruise lines which fly foreign flags, any industry foreign or domestic which pays no Federal taxes in 2018 or 2019,
Spending Program
1. A $2,000/month bonus to every American until the pandemic has ended plus one extra month.
2. The Federal government will pay in full for all testing and treatment of any resident of the
of the US whether citizen, documented or undocumented individual, worker or child.
2. Open PP&ACA enrollment or even better pass Medicare for All
3. Hazardous pay for first responders, front-line personnel, farm field personnel, nurses & doctors.
4. Aid to state & local governments, public school districts, hospitals and small businesses.
5. A NO Gauging Law, No double dipping and a restatement of what a federal stockpile means.
6. A Joint Congressional Committee to provide oversight of the administration.
7. Forgiveness of some college loans and lower the interest rate on remainder.
8. Postal Service guarantee of its solvency & worker protection.
9. Anticipation & Preparation towards the next pandemic & rebuilding stockpile of needs.
NOTE: Concerning Small Businesses
The small business program the administration outlined is not working. Big banks see small rewards and big risks; therefore, they work only with businesses who they have an established relationship. A last ‘minuet’ administration change made the program harder for small businesses to navigate an unintended maze of regulations.
The goal should be to keep small independent businesses which compete with franchises, big box outlets and grocery markets afloat while under quarantine. The goal must not be to enrich BANKS. Another $350B may be needed so they can pay workers, rent, utilities, FICA and other expenses. If U agree or only semi-agree Please send this to your Representatives in Washington.