
Saturday’s Run Bernie Run Events A Huge Success!

Jan 15, 2019

photo: St. Petersburg, FL January 12th Bernie Event

By Mike Fox for Alan, Janis, Deb, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kim, Bryan, Mike H. and Shayna—your PDA National Team

Run Bernie Run Events A Huge Success

Last Saturday, at over 350 locations across the country — from living rooms to restaurants to meeting halls — thousands of activists gathered to show their support for Bernie Sanders running for president in 2020.

Organizers discussed a huge petition gathering campaign and a national weekend of action Jan. 26 and 27.  Contact us now for more information.  Still need some inspiration?  Check out these smiling faces from some of the parties.

Many thanks to all who participated, and onward to a progressive primary for president, 2020!

Mike Fox for Alan, Janis, Deb, Dan, Dr. Bill, Kim, Bryan, Mike H. and Shayna—your PDA National Team

P.S. While PDA has not yet endorsed any candidate for president, we strongly feel that Bernie must be a part of the mix on the big stage.  If you are a Bernie supporter, or just simply agree that more progressives showing an interest in running is only a good thing, we ask you to join in this effort.

