
RSVP Now for Sunday’s Town Hall on How We Beat MAGA and Project 2025. Progressive Central 2024 update.

Jul 19, 2024 | PDA News

Join us Sunday at 4pm ET/1pm PT for How We Defeat MAGA and Project 2025 with Progressive Candidates and Policies. RSVP now!


While the media is in a fever dream over MAGA and the RNC, we step back, take a breath, and discuss just how we bring home wins in vital primaries going on right now, as well as secure victory in the November elections.

Fact: Americans want our agenda. Over and over again our policy stances—from healthcare for all, to protecting and expanding Social Security and other elements of the social safety net, to common sense gun safety, to just taxation where the billionaires and mega-corporations pay their fair share, to every woman’s right to her own reproductive decisions, to an economy that builds a thriving and robust middle class with opportunity for all, to equality and respect for every person’s inherent humanity—poll at better than 50%.

Fact: We have candidates, from the top of the ticket to City Council and School Board, who are better choices for the general health and well being of our communities than any Republican adherent to the horrific Project 2025.

Join our Special Guests Professor Harvey J. Kaye, PhD.—celebrated historian, FDR expert, and co-author of the 21st-Century Economic Bill of Rights—and Board Member of Young Progressive Democrats of America, Hartzell Gray, as we discuss why gloom and doom should not rule the day.

We’ll also provide an update on plans for Progressive Central 2024, our inspiring event for Progressives during DNC week.

PDA Progressive Virtual Town Hall
Sunday, July 21
4pm ET; 3pm CT; 2pm MT; 1pm PT and AZ; Noon AK; 10am HI
Register here and the machine will email you your secure codes.

You’ll leave energized, organized, and definitely more hopeful.

We look forward to seeing you, and invite your progressive friends!

In solidarity,

Mike Fox for the PDA National Team

PS: Learn more about Progressive Central 2024 here.


1 Comment

  1. Gayle Bell

    Hi, I have a question for the town hall about Project 2025. A democratic Rep (can’t remember his name) said on a podcast that there is a secret part of the P2025 which would really freak people out (as if the published part wouldn’t). I wonder if this story about proposed changes to the tax code is part of it. I don’t remember reading about this in “The Nation'” which reported on Project 2025, and which seemed pretty extensive. CBS reports P2025 “proposes just two tax rates: a 15% flat tax for people earning up to about $168,000, and a 30% income tax for people earning above that, according to the document. It also proposes eliminating “most deductions, credits and exclusions,” although the blueprint doesn’t specify which ones would go and which would stay.” The article has details about how it would affect certain families–poor, middle class to rich–and it’s ghastly. From CBS news:
    Thank you.
