Resistance Is Not Enough
By Mike Hersh, for Mike F, Donna, Dan, Janis, Deb, Bryan, Dr. Bill, Kim, Judy, your PDA National Team
Help Progressives Defeat Trump & Trumpublicans!
Become a Win 2018 Sustainer by giving every month
Everyone should resist Trump, but resistance isn’t nearly enough. Progressives need to get really, really serious. These troubling times challenge us all to do all we can! Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) is pushing back against Trump and the his Trumpublican minions. We’re leading effective opposition on the issues. We’re making a difference.
PDA was founded in 2004 to organize for: Medicare for All, Ending Global Warming, Fair and Clean Elections, Economic and Social Justice, Peace, and Progress. We need your support. Sign up to make mobilization calls from your own home, contact our field team to help launch or build a PDA chapter near you, and/or please make a generous gift now.
Give generously to help PDA build a
more progressive Democratic Party
PDA is working to renew, restore, and reimagine the Democratic Party as a true People’s Party. Help us pull the party into a much more progressive trajectory. We’ve successfully run and won campaigns to elect strong progressives and to reform the Democratic Party from within. We’ve accomplished a lot, but we have a long ways to go. We need your help to continue making progress inside and outside of the party. Please pitch in $1000, $100, or whatever you can afford to support our organizing.
Taking back U.S. Politics and the Democratic Party from the corporations and lobbyists won’t be easy or cheap. We need resources to organize behind strong candidates. Pitch in $500, $50, or whatever you can right now. Please understand that we’re struggling against mega corporations, billionaires, and super PACs with virtually unlimited money. We’ll never match their expenditures, but luckily we don’t have to. Still, we need your generous support now.
You will not find a more effective progressive Democratic group than PDA. PDA makes the most difference—dollar for dollar—of any organization. Your donation couldn’t be better used to make progress than with PDA. Please sign up to make an automatic monthly “Change Makes Change” contribution now.
In solidarity,
Mike Hersh, for Mike F, Donna, Dan, Janis, Deb, Bryan, Dr. Bill, Kim, Judy, your PDA National Team
P.S. We don’t ask for dues. We rely on small donations from people like you. If you’ve donated before, now is the time to sign up to make automatic monthly “sustainer” contributions. If you’re already a sustainer, we appreciate your help! If you can, please consider increasing your donation by giving another amount per month.
No spare change to help us make change? Then join the PDA Phone Team making easy, effective calls from your own home with Mike “Phone Guy” Fox. We’re here to help you make progress in your state and locality! If you need help organizing a new PDA chapter or energizing your existing chapter, please contact PDA Field Coordinator Dan O’Neal.
Join PDA Organizing for Victories in November
Become a Change Makes Change Sustainer